Let's take a look at the new version of Wowza Streaming Engine 4.8.28+4 (20240709173404), released by Wowza Media on July 10, 2024.

2024-08-16 20:58:00

Unlike previous releases, Wowza 4.8.28 comes bundled with Java 21 (OpenJDK Java SE JRE 21.0.3) instead of Java 11. The media server components are still built using Java 11, but with the ability to run them, both under Java 11 and all newer versions of Java. Replacing Java with the current LTS (Long-Term Support) release 21 will allow updating its components at least until 2028, which is primarily important in the context of security issues. Also, with the transition to Java 21, Wowza uses the new Generational ZGC garbage collector by default. Accordingly with the notes, this should significantly increase the efficiency of Java for long-running processes with large amounts of Heap memory. We will try to verify this statement and publish the test results.

By the way it should be noted that the Wowza version update script does not change the Java version. If, for example, Wowza 4.8.22 is currently installed on the server, with Java 11.0.2, then an update to Wowza 4.8.28 will not change the Java version. This will need to be done manually by changing symbolic links to the directory with the JRE, and specifying the use of the ZGC garbage collector in the Tune.xml configuration file.

Wowza 4.8.28 adds new features for working with CMAF media packets in an HLS stream: AES encryption and adding ID3 tags. Previously this was only possible with Transport Stream (ts) packets. Wowza developers are systematically increasing the functionality necessary to fully work with the CMAF format in HLS. However, at this stage it is not yet possible to use the AES CMAF encryption capability in HLS with Widevine DRM. Apparently this is an issue for future WSE releases.

The release also includes several fixes for detected software errors, of which it is worth noting a fix for HLS with CMAF packages when viewing from Edge servers (in this case, Wowza origin-edge) and a fix for a problem with the HttpOrigin mode. and concurrent requests from edge servers. The second issue has been present in WSE for quite some time and can lead to an "Out of Memory" (OOM) failure.